Microsoft Teams is getting ‘Avatars’ in public preview as announced by Microsoft officially. The company wrote, “Avatars for Microsoft Teams offers an alternative to the current binary option of video or no video,” in a blog post. Microsoft Teams is the proprietary business communication platform of Microsoft.
Company speaks
The blog further reads, “Avatars for Teams gives you that much-needed camera break, while still allowing you to collaborate effectively.” Users can customize their avatars and reactions. Microsoft announced its private preview in October 2022. The new version includes a few updates.
Latest updates
The latest updates come with a new lighting system that enhances the appearance of hair and skin as well as improves the performance of the avatar. The new version comes with customization options like hearing aids, bindis, etc.
If people react using the Teams emoji reactions, the avatar will imitate the reaction with their body. For instance, if anybody uses the raised hand reaction, the avatar would raise the hand as well.