You may have encountered your number as your nickname or some other name on someone else’s mobile. It happens sometimes when someone else has saved your name as a nickname or something else. But don’t worry, you can change your name on truecaller. Here is how to change name in truecaller. You can change your name in truecaller by simply installing the app and doing it yourself.
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Here is how to change name in truecaller
For Android users
If you don’t have truecaller installed then install the app on your mobile then follow further instructions:
Step 1: Go to the Truecaller app and hit on the profile icon, available on the top left corner of the screen
Step 2: Tap on ‘Edit profile’
Step 3: Set your correct name on Truecaller
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For iPhone users
Step 1: Go to the Truecaller app > hit on the profile icon, available on the top left corner of the screen
Step 2: Tap on ‘Edit profile’
Step 3: Set your correct name on Truecaller
If you are done with updating your name on Truecaller, now wait for up to 24-48 hours until your updated name comes on Truecaller. It is also possible that Truecaller may have saved your name from local information, so go to your phone’s ‘Settings’ > ‘Apps’ > ‘Truecaller’ and then ‘Clear cache.’
Final words
After trying all of this, if your name still has not changed then, you can write your query to That was all about how to change name in truecaller, tell us in the comments section, which method worked for you.
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