The future of tech has already decided to be women-inclined. A record number of women are seen to be participative across the domains of coding and tech related niches globally. The UK alone has some mind boggling figures to prove the point.
Coding is the gateway to a brilliant career for so many women that a large number of them are taking evening classes in coding to switch careers.
Some interesting facts
The Office for National Statistics reveal that women comprise 31% staffs across the overall tech industry.
However in the context of software developers, design professionals ir data analysts, this proportion is way lower and stands at 18%.
A lot of current coders in the UK opine that having degrees in non-science subjects kept them thinking that coding would be off their grid, for a long time. However, with the right course, these women have shifted to career related to coding and technology nonetheless.
The skills in coding are the skills of the future. Take a look at Admiral Insurance, a firm in Cardiff. It has around 7500 employees but the majority of technology staff comprise of men.
Christine Theodore, Admiral’s IT director has quipped how it was getting more vital for higher number of women to enter this industry.
Interesting programs such as Code First Girls enable women to learn these supposed “man-ly” skills such as coding. The reality is that coding is akin to learning a language. Right from the early years, this perception that ‘tech’ is more male oriented, needs to be fought. A WISE campaign revelas that 9% of female grads studied some STEM subject in the year 2018. A latest PwC study indicates that just 3% women consider making a career in tech as a first choice.
Looking ahead
Awareness along with investment during the initial years of the talent pipeline need to be encouraged for women to actually bank on tech as the right career choice.