Saturday, February 8, 2025

Windows 8 Stiffles Microsoft’s Ambition To Arrive In The Mobile Market– Will The Windows Blue Bring In Renaissance Amid Bleakness?

Microsoft is almost cushioned into a corner. Its tryst with Windows 8 has taken  toll on its popularity. At a time when operating systems are ruling the roost, Microsoft’s story is scaling the lower heights of the success graph. What’s more,  Windows 8 is being blamed for the debacle! Experts are opining that the Windows 8  did not match the anticipation. What is being labeled the biggest failure from the stable could only work magic the other way round– once we get to hear something from Microsoft.

This bad news punches out ambition the makers had while also bringing a lot of misery for the PC segment.  When Microsoft is willing to match shoulders with the likes of Samsung and LG, the Windows 8 debacle will only lead to repercussions never imagined.

The last resort in such a scenario remains that Windows 8 could deliver a baby for erasing out the poor memories it created. The Windows Blue or the Windows 8.1 might just be the phoenixcal resurrector for Microsoft. Hear what an industry expert says, “There’s a reason this company [Microsoft] basically has generated zero returns for investors over the last ten years, and that’s because they simply don’t get where technology is going any more. They’re entrenched where it’s been, but its future is not looking good for Microsoft.”

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