Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Windows 8 Crashes 55 Percent Less than Windows 7, Less Frustrating Too

If you’re still looking for a reason to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8, here’s one that is definitely going to convince you. According to a recent report, Microsoft’s latest OS crashes 55 percent less than Windows 7 and is also 84 percent less frustrating to use. This specifically goes for certain apps’ performance, in particular apps like Google Drive that crashes for only 1 percent of Windows 8 users, in comparison with crashing for nearly 33% of Windows 7 users. Even TuneUp Utilities crashes for only five percent of Windows 8 users, against 20 percent of Windows 7 users.
Notwithstanding the above statistics, Windows 8 adoption rates are rapidly rising. In Hungary and Portugal, 9 percent and 5.29 percent of users respectively have taken to the OS, while 8 percent of users in China have also made the transition. The adoption rate in the U.S. is surprisingly slower at just 3.4 percent, with most users approaching the OS with considerable caution.But there’s some bad news too. Some apps like Facebook Video Calling crash at least once a month for 13 percent of Windows 8 users, while the same app crashes for just one percent of Windows 7 users. Also in the list is Apple’s iTunes, which crashes almost twice as often on Windows 8 than on Windows 7 systems. However, it’s not just third-party developers’ apps that end up crashing on Windows 8. Even Microsoft’s own Internet Explorer browser crashes, just about the same number of times as it crashes on Windows 7 PCs.


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What makes Windows 8 even better is the touch-friendly design. Almost five percent of Windows 8 devices are tablets, when compared to less than two percent of Windows 7’s tablet devices. And these are the numbers before Surface has made a mark! Even in terms of desktops, 51 percent of Windows 8 installs are on desktop PCs, when compared to 48.5 percent of Windows 7 installs on laptops.

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