Amid all the pomp and show, the confetti blasted bit lesser than expected on the BlackBerry market response. Despite clever marketing promo and upped specs, the BB Z10 has failed to gain super hot response from industry pundits. If you go by figures, the stocks for BB dipped by whooping 10 per cent on Thursday alone. Add to this, no specific announcement for availablity across US markets– and BB has just landed on blow on its own accord.
Moreover, the market is warming up to welcoming Samsung Galaxy SIV (Releasing in April). In such a scenario, BB could have indeed set a strategy to make a mark. Joshua Topolsky from verge expresses, “No one could argue that there’s a ‘killer app’ here. Something that makes you want or need this phone because it can do what no other phone can do. That’s not the case.”
Moving over the availability issue that has let USA down, India– slated as the second biggest zone for market sales in the gadget sector—might not be beaming with the BB Z10. Why so? Look at the price tag and you would know why! ($200 for a two year contract)
Anshul Gupta, leading industry analyst, Gartner said, “The Z10 launched yesterday is obviously a high-end product and India is not a market at that price point.”