Monday, February 10, 2025

Sony Xperia S vs. iPhone 5: How Do the Two Compare?

Confused whether you should buy the Sony Xperia S or iPhone 5? Here are the primary features of both these phones and how they compare.

Sony Xepria S iPhone 5
Faster Processor: More responsive as compared to Apple’s A5 chip enabled processor of iPhone 5. Xpria S processor has the power of  1.5 GHz where as iPhone S has the power of  1.3 GHz In terms of weight iPhone 5 20% lighter than Xperia S. Also it is 40% smaller in size and thinner as compared to Xperia S.
 Brilliant and brighter screen.  The Xperia screen is TFTLCD as compared to LCD screen of iPhone 5.  Xperia S has 1280×720 resolution which is much higher than 136×640 resolution of iPhone 5. It has  far more internal storage as compared to Xperia s. Xperia S has 32 GB storage as compared to iPhone 5 64 Gb. iPhone5 can easily become the storehouse of entertainment (more music, more pictures, more movies)
Screen Size: 4.3 inch. You would fall in love with Xperia S if you are a lover of big screens. Screen Size: 4 inch. It is off course bigger than iPhone 4S, but if you love really big screens, you would adore Xperia S
Battery: 1750 mAh. Would last you more than a day. Battery:1440 mAh
Sony has always been a winner as far as music is concerned.  Xperia gives you incredible music listening experience. iPhone5 is delight for those who just love apps. The Apple app store is one thing Sony can’t beat.
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