Monday, February 10, 2025

PS4 Vs Xbox 720: How Much Who Loves Developing Games?

The likes of Sony and Microsoft have no choice – with the ever rising popularity of smartphone and tablets as gaming devices, their consoles are taking a back seat as the preferred medium for gaming. Their products seem to be headed for troubled times ahead as there’s no stopping the onslaught of mobile gaming.

Take Sony’s PS4 for instance – the company is going all out to show how much it loves and cares for its game developers, in a huge effort to keep them happy and continue developing games for the PS4. We’re thinking Microsoft too will have to follow suit if it wants to keep the Xbox 720 popular.

Sony has supposedly taken a lot of inputs from developers during the making of its latest gaming console, the PS4. The PS4 has also made it easier for independent developers to design games for this device. The more say the developers have in the design of a console, the better are the chances of getting more games designed for it, which would in turn hopefully pull more gamers to invest in these consoles.

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Looks like developers are finally getting their dues and getting treated with some respect for their contribution towards making gaming consoles the successes they are in the market.

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