In yet another shocking incident, TikTok Star Siya Kakkar was found dead on Thursday. The 16-year old has allegedly committed suicide. The news has come at a time when many fans were still struggling to process the news of the Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and what brought the young Bollywood actor to take such a step.
As per the news reports, Siya’s Manager Arjun Sarin has said that he had talked to the young TikTok star just a night before about a potential song collaboration. Siya Kakkar was active on all the popular social media platforms including TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. She had got popular on these platforms with her dancing videos.
Siya Kakkar’s Death Leaves Everyone in Shock
It isn’t yet clear what made the young TikTok Star take her own life. The police did not found any suicide note either. Ever her manager Sarin said that Siya had seemed nothing but excited and happy during their last conversation.
Moreover, as several online news sources, she also seemed to be doing well financially. Thus, the news of her suicide has left both her fans as well as her closed ones including family and friends in a deep shock. However, the Delhi Police has begun the investigations and is probing the incident.
Growing Need to Emphasise On Mental Health
Siya Kakkar’s suicide has also reignited the debate on the perks and perils of sudden social media fame on youngsters. The incidents of young stars committing suicide as they struggle with mental health issues like depression also throws light on the intense mental pressure that celebrities face.
Furthermore, many have also raised concerns over the several challenges that especially the young teens may face as they achieve immediate fame and money through the social media. While this phenomenon in itself isn’t new, the on-going health crisis has significantly aggravated the issue. The lockdown and social distancing has left many with an intense feeling of isolation which can trigger mental health problems and push people towards depression.
If you or any of your friends and family members is also struggling with mental health, seek help and immediate crisis intervention support. You can also write to us at