Monday, February 10, 2025

Plants Vs Zombies 2 Released Chinese Edition, Chinese Hate it? We Are Addicted?

A Chinese version of the new PopCap game Plants Vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time has been deemed too hard by the Chinese! But wait you might say, how can the language of the game make the game any more difficult? Well, it would seem that PopCap Games has actually made the game harder to play in the Chinese version – while some Chinese bloggers feel this is because PopCap feels that the Chinese are better gamers most are pretty sure that it is because the game’s developers want the Chinese to have to make in app purchases. While the Chinese have been some of the most ardent fans of the first game, this treatment has lead them to give Plants Vs Zombies 2 an average rating of 2 out of five in the iTunes store!

What the rest of the world wants to know is whether PopCap is actually going to make localised versions for different countries. All PopCap Games has said is that they will not take part in any discussions and will use any feedback they get to make the game better. It is unclear what that actually means.

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