Monday, February 10, 2025

Plants Vs Zombies 2 Killing 25 Million Downloads, Cheaper , Android Version in Limbo

PopCap Games and EA have been hard at work with the upcoming Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. It is supposed to be a third person shooter and has so far gotten pretty good response from the gaming community. According to PopCap Games and EA the new game will only be available as a multiplayer! According to the developers, the game is much more fun as a multiplayer and they wish to spend all their time and resources on developing the game along those lines. The game can be support up to 24 players online and can also be played in either a four player Co-op mode or two player split screen Co-op mode. It will also be cheaper than most retail games – it will be available on the Xbox One for 39.99$ and on the Xbox 360 at 29.99$ while other full retail games generally go for 59.99$.

PopCap Games has been absolutely silent about the release of Plants Vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time on the Android or PC platform. While the game has already crossed 25 million downloads on iOS; Android users have been reduced to playing other games while they wait impatiently for the release of the game on Google Play.


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