Microsoft’s entry into the tablet market was clouded with confusion. First came the Surface RT running on Windows RT – not too many people were sure of how it was different from Windows 8. And when they found out that it had limitations, it became one more strong reason, in addition to the high price of course, to stay away from it.
But that changed when the company launched the Surface Pro tablet which runs on Windows 8 Pro and functions pretty much like a regular laptop – except with a form factor of a tablet. People didn’t mind shelling out a few extra bucks for something that did everything their regular computing devices did and was more portable and good looking.
With a starting price of around $900, the Surface Pro sure has a lot of advantages, including being able to run Microsoft Office. Windows RT, on the other hand, might not find as many takers because of its limited compatibility offerings, especially as an enterprise mobile device. Sure, it gives you the advantage of mobility, but when Android tablets and even the iPad can offer the same at lesser price, why spend on a Microsoft Surface RT?
But the Surface Pro, now that’s quite an interesting alternative. It may still be more expensive than your regular laptop, but it’s so much lighter and sleeker, making it easy to carry around all day. With a longer battery life, it’s meant for those on the move, but with just as much power as a regular notebook.
Check your mail, work on MS Office, use it like a normal Windows 8 machine – the possibilities are endless. And when Microsoft unveils Windows Blue, we think it might just become even more attractive a device.