Nokia’s latest official video, which showcases the Audio Recording Test (Video) ability of their upcoming Lumia 928 handset, has made Samsung turn sour. As rumors about the latest from the Nokia kitty take storm, they have released a video that lashes out at the Smasung Galaxy S3 in a surprisingly evident manner.
The video makes use of the quintessential new York bands that play at subways. Two chaps come by and they are both holding their phones to record their music. Evidently, one is using the Nokia Lumia 928, while the other one is using the Samsung Galaxy S3. The video highlights how well this Nokia can record even in a noisy subway environment. It shows the phone’s ability to record audio sans any distractions.
Nokia has been working hard on creating a buzz around their new phone. First was their display of the phone as a landing page on their website. Then came a video that displayed the camera’s low-light and optical image stabilization (OIS) capabilities. This latest video has come as another teaser that could excite tech buffs.
“Best-in-class audio” the video says.
This new handset is likely to launch this month at a press event the Finnish maker has planned for May 14 in London. If experts are to be believed, the new Nokia Lumia 928 could make its arrival into the tech world at this event.