Saturday, February 15, 2025

Nokia Lumia 928 Vs HTC One—Will Verizon’s Flagship Lumia corner the Haute HTC One?

  Rumor bell are gonging loud  signalling the arrival of the flagship Nokia Lumia 928 on Verizon and yes! we are almost salivating to get our hands on Nokia  Lumia 928 . We have seen the Samsung Galaxy S4 and most importantly the HTC One but buzz has it that the Nokia Lumia928 could undercut even the latter, thanks to its stunning features.

The HTC One has already become cynosure of our eyes (no pun) with its gorgeous screen, the superb shutter speed and the compact size. It packs in power couples with comfort—a combo many smartphones miss out on. All said and done, here is a sneak peek into what the Nokia sequel to the sexy Lumia 920 could be like.

The Verizon-exclusive Lumia would have to offer something unique for us to take a notice. Perhaps its promised app companions and the Lytro-style shutter spec would be enough to let us give up HTC One. The Finnish giants have been tossing with the idea of hiking the pixel count to 41-MP (yes-you read it right) with the Lumia flagship line.

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Yet we are not too sure if Nokia Lumia 928 could be the model with which Nokia chooses to take a big leap in the smartphone market. ‘Pelican imagined’  feature is may find its way through Lumia 928. Add to this, pre-installed Instagram, Temple Run 2 and Jetpack Joyride (all on Windows 8!). All this makes Nokia Lumia 928 an impressive piece of device.

If these specs actually surface on the Lumia 928, HTC One would indeed be washed out—so would Samsung  Galaxy S4!

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Satarupa Bhattacharya
Satarupa Bhattacharya
Satarupa B. Kaur has been writing professionally since a decade now. Always on the go; she loves to travel, books, playtime with her toddler--as she explores new places, amazing food and anything tech!

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