Samsung will be offering their latest after their first seven inch tablet launch soon. The latest prodigy set to be released is the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. Of course, its biggest rival is already in the open in the avatar of Apple iPad Air. However, we sniff buzz that the Samsung Note 10.1 is set to be the best tablet (buffed with Honeycomb) to ever storm the market.
It has a great screen and apparently outperforms the Apple iPad Air in many respects.
However, it appears that yet another tablet will put these two devices in their places under the ground. The Google Nexus 10.2, for those still acquainted and here’s why:
Display: The Nexus sports a ten inch screen that will be protected by Gorilla Glass and has a resolution of 2650×1600. The iPad Air has a 7 inch screen with a 2048×1536 resolution and the new Galaxy Note comes with a 10.1 inch screen with a resolution of 800×1280 pixels.
Memory: The Nexus 10.1 has a RAM of 3 GB that supports a quad core Snapdragon 800 processor, while the iPad Air has a RAM of one GB and the Galaxy Note comes with 2 GB of RAM.
Camera: The Note 10.2 has a 5MP camera with Led flash and auto focus that can be used with applications too. The Apple iPad Air also has a 5 MP camera with a secondary 0.9 MP camera. However, the reason why we vouch for the latest Nexus 10.1 is that it has a more powerful 8 MP camera.