Recently in the news were rumors of Google working on a Nexus version of HTC’s flagship smartphone; the One. Now certain reports speculate that the Google Edition HTC One will hit the shelves in exceptionally small numbers.
The Taiwanese firm is planning to opt for a limited run because several features on the HTC One are included into HTC Sense 5, the custom skin HTC runs on top of Android, and some of those features will not run on stock Android. However, HTC would also want to double the production process of its own flagship smartphone instead of focusing on the Google Edition.
HTC announced selling around 5 million HTC One units since its launch due to delay in the launch and shortage of devices. Currently, the T-Mobile HTC One is available only in selected stores due to unavailability.
As per sources, HTC wants a trial run for the Android version of it’s the One to see how the device does in sales and therefore will offer around 1 per cent of total sales of the smartphone so far. In case that’s true, HTC would launch only around 50,000 units of the Android-based One smartphone.
However, nothing official has been announced as yet.