Gaming community has joined hands with the World Health Organisation for its ‘Play Apart Together’ campaign. The campaign launched last week aims to promote social distancing to control the spread of coronavirus pandemic. It incorporates various coronavirus-related messages from WHO into games and platforms.
Play Apart Together campaign’s major gaming partners include Activision Blizzard, Twitch, and Riot Games. Moreover, Amazon AppStore, YouTube Gaming, Zynga, and Kabam have also shown support to the campaign. A total of 18 gaming firms have joined the campaign so far.
The WHO initiative has been designed to encourage people to stay home and follow health and safety guidelines to slowdown the spread of COVID-19. Under the Play Apart Together campaign, companies shall promote their users to practice proper hand hygiene, social distancing, respiratory etiquette and other preventative measures.
Play Apart Together to incentivize gamers
Furthmore, the Play Apart Together campaign will encourage players to tune into games with special events, activities, exclusives, and rewards. In turn, these gaming companies will be incorporating self-protection messages on COVID-19 directly from the WHO into games.
The campaign title ‘Play Apart Together’ identifies ability of video games in bringing people together in the current times of COVID-19 pandemic.
Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick said in a statement that it has never been more critical to ensure people stay safely connected to one another. He added, “Games are the perfect platform because they connect people through the lens of joy, purpose and meaning. We are proud to participate in such a worthwhile and necessary initiative.”
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Interestingly, opposed to its current stance, WHO had taken a critical stance of gaming and classified “gaming disorder” as an addictive behavior disorder in 2018. Moreover, it is also worth noting that a number of major companies from the gaming space including Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft and EA have been absent from the campaign.
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