Sunday, February 16, 2025

Facebook’s Getting A Brand New Newsfeed On March 7th – Be Prepared To Get Bowled

It’s been a while since Facebook revamped its look. While we’re not expecting a drastic change like last year’s Timeline update, there definitely is a new look coming for the Newsfeed section of the popular social network. So, how different would it look when you login to Facebook a few days from now?

New design for the mobile app’s newsfeed: Things are going to get a lot more colorful on Facebook’s mobile app. The plain blue and white background could give way to a newsfeed with multiple sections that would highlight important updates for you. We could get separate sections for news and photo updates and newer gestures for navigation too.

Video advertisements: Ads have been the main source of revenue for Facebook, and it’s only going to get more prominent in the future. Zuckerberg’s creation will soon begin featuring video ads on users’ newsfeeds, starting from April. They won’t be more than 15 seconds long, but sure will pull in a lot of big bucks for the company.

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Better Timeline: No, don’t scream in frustration just yet. You won’t have to figure it out all over again, just about when you’ve got the hang of the Timeline format. The new update will make photos more visible and noticeable.


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