Monday, February 10, 2025

Facebook Autoplay Ads: Here is How To Block Them If They Annoy You

Facebook has launched a new feature called autoplay ad and contrary to what Facebook expected, users are quite annoyed by the new feature. In a few days Facebook users will see an autoplay video ad for the new film titled “Divergent” and later the social networking site will add new ads.

Facebook has taken this step to attract the advertisers and in turn get more revenue. However, this could stray away the users, as universally impromptu ads are hated.
After reading about Facebook’s decision to add the autoplay feature one of the users by the name of Staurt Witts tweeted, “Facebook to sell autoplay video ads in news feed. Personally I fear this could prove the final nail in the coffin for the social network.”

So for users like Staurt who fear the autoplay ads here is the way you can block it. According to Matt Peckham of, “ You can use the feature called “Click to Flash” to block the plugin in safari and in case of Chrome you can use something called “Flash Block”. Facebook ads use HTML5 to play the autoplay adds and apparently by blocking the plugins you have the choice to play the autoplay ads or not.”

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So here is how you can bloack the annoying autoplay ad feature of Facebook or else you have the option of leaving the website altogether.

Let us know what do you think about Facebook’s new feature of autoplay.

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