Possibly no exhibition sees the surge of technology releases that the Consumer Electronics Show held n Las Vegas enjoys every year. This time around time, news is already coming in about the interesting launches one will see at CES. We’ll bring you all the updates as and when they happen. Meanwhile, here are some of the interesting things we can expect to see:
Ring for your phone: When it comes to wearable technology, we’re always looking for something interesting. This time round, it’s going to be a ring that allows you to manage you phone! Use the hand to make certain gestures and allow your phone to do its job.
XYZ 3D Food printer: There is going to be a food printer that allows you to enjoy three-dimensional design for icing and to make cookies.
Read What Happened at CES 2014 here.
Drone cameras: We are set to see Drone cameras making an impressive appearance at CES 2015. They are going to get smarter and more interesting.
Smartbelt: Perhaps the most intriguing of all launches will be a smart belt. Yes that’s right. Belty (as the gadget is being called) works to monitor your fitness and changes size when you are sitting down or standing upright.