Assassin’s Creed III season pass is now available to purchase on Xbox 360, PlayStation3 and PC and that too with full contents. Both the single-player and multiplayer aspects of the video game have been covered in the season pass version.
This season features the “The Tyranny of King Washington,” an all-new single-player campaign which has been divided in three episodes. What comes along this is all new maps and characters for a better multiplayer experience.
All gamers will get all five forthcoming DLCs, scheduled for release within six months after the videogame’s launch, for 2400 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and £23.99 GBP on the PlayStation 3. The Assassin’s Creed III Season Pass is now available for purchase on PlayStation 3, on Xbox 360 and for PCs, and all Assassin’s Creed III DLC will also be available for Wii U.