Saturday, February 15, 2025

Apple MacBook Pro Release With Haswell Chip, Retina and Sharp 4k IGZO Could Join Forces in 201

Apple’s all new MacBook Pro Retina is likely to arrive within this October getting a look at a possible MacBook Pro Retina 2014 update component.

The 15.6-inch MacBook Pro with Retina houses a Sharp 4K Displayto deliver an even higher-resolution portable screen solution for power users.

The resolution on this monster is a 2,880 x 1,880 n display which is higher than many Windows 8 phones. Sources say a new Sharp 4K2K IGZO with a 3,840 × 2,160 resolution display, with a 282 pixel density on a 15.6-inch notebook display.

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The latest IGZO technology is electricity efficient, translating into a longer battery life for the MacBook. Apple ensured better battery life with the new MacBook Air 2013 update earlier this year, and we expect a similar move for the new MacBook Pro models this year and going forward.

Currently,Sharp started betasamplers for the 15.6-inch Sharp IGZO 4k display, but the production quantities needed for a company like Apple would not be ready until February 2014 according to Sharp. Keeping yield results in mind, we likely would not see it until 2014, based on this production timeline.

Sharp is also reportedly readying IGZO technology for smartphones and tablet PCs apart from apple’s MacBook Pro Retina and notes that the IGZO technology is compatible with pen based input.

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