New leaked pictures from Australia confirm that the new iPad 5 will be slimmer, lighter and have a retina display. Apple is trying to make the iPad 5 as much like the iPad Mini as possible. With the iPad Mini being the best selling tablet Apple has had so far, it only makes sense that Apple will reuse the formula in its other tablet. And in fact Apple has always tried innovations in spin off devices and then used the most successful ones in its flagship products.
Expect the new iPad 5 to looks like a larger iPad Mini in terms of styling. So the sides will now curve into the back of the device. Also expect the device to be slimmer and lighter because of some technological advance Apple has made with its retina screen.
With the iPad 5 expected to be released within the next few weeks and the iPad Mini 2, also rumoured to have a retina disply, coming out early next year expect the tablet market to seriously heat up!