While all your friends are flaunting the smooth /sleek look of the iOS 7, behind your backs, there are 5 things that they already hate about it.
Most errors were encountered while installing the new OS. Pops-up saying “software update failed” were often seen, while others were unable to connect to the iTunes Store to update the apps. Successfully downloader’s were unable to complete the installation and were informed that “Software Update is unavailable at this time”.
Mega security issues, where a user (other than the owner) can easily gain access to your private apps like Facebook, Twitter & Flick, by launching the alarm clock app, while holding the sleep button and then canceling powering down the phone. All they have to do is press the home button twice now. Other reports also talked about hackers being claiming to access private information by by-passing the most powerful security feature by apple – the fingerprint authentication.
You can dial a number anywhere, any time by simply tap “Emergency” on the lock screen, which brings up an emergency calling screen. Then he or she can dial any number and rapidly tap the call button until the phone reverts to an empty screen with an Apple logo at the center and make the call to that number. Apart from risking phone calls by anyone from anyone, apple should really keep this major threat in mind while designing the iOS 8
iOS 7 packs new features such as AirDrop, Control Center, and iTunes Radio that can eat up the battery life of your devices. Try keeping them turned off.
iOS 7 overhauled its design and interface making it look quite different from the previous iOS. Some are delighted by the change while others think that iOS 7 resembles Andriod icons. Maintian originality in the iOS 8 at least Apple! (I’d say)